I've been studying a bit of tactics and endgames while going over games collections (mostly Alekhine) and reading Lasker. I think my next project should definitely be going over some work specifically on attacking, like Vukovic. I really don't know how to attack well and I'm almost helpless against my opponents' attacks. I'm playing a rather informal correspondence game against a friend of mine who seems to be getting his groove back and I slipped up, ignoring his mounting threat on the kingside. He hasn't executed the attack yet, but it's really a rather textbook attack and I don't see how to get around it. I might find something. I don't know. It's not a "serious" correspondence game, so I'm not going to spend several hours looking at the position, just as I didn't spend several hours getting into this position. Anyway! Attacks and attacking. This is not an atypical experience. I'll also look at the section of Polgar's brick with the example games with the attacks characterized by location.
EDIT: Yes, I realize that I said previously that I also have no positional sense and would need to work on that. But I think preventing oneself from getting blown off the board and being able to blow people off the board is a good idea.
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