Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I finished the first volume of Alekhine's game collection.

As mentioned in the title, I finished the first volume of Alekhine's game collection. Suddenly, I feel like I am a much better attacker. I am going to start on the second volume on the train ride home tonight.

I also started a couple more correspondence games on I just put out a couple open seeks. I have no idea how good of an indicator ratings are for playing strength. The first person who accepted is rated 1300 and the second is 1500. I'll try my best, they'll try their best, and then we'll see how it looks. The motivation for this is that most tournaments require you to have had at least 5 rated games, so I want to get 5 rated games in. Then I can think about what openings I'm interested in getting into and play in thematic tournaments. That seems like a good way to learn an opening. I can also then figure out what rating level at would constitute a challenge to me at my level of involvement and then try to play people at that level (as mentioned in previous entries).

EDIT: I've added a couple more games. Right now I have five rated games going.

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