I won my game last night in the CICL tournament. It was against my teammate, the top rated player in our section. He played the Danish, and it's a good thing I went over those games a while back. We got to the Schlechter, but I think I was somewhat inaccurate in that I played ...d5 before ...cxb2. I later won a pawn and then it was a long, slow grind until he resigned. In the final position, it was suggested that my opponent had drawing resources, but the computer says no (I haven't looked at the analysis yet and would prefer to work it out on my own, I just saw the numerical evaluation). It was a long, tough game. He said I should really consider entering one of those big money tournaments for class players since I seem to be rather underrated at the moment - and only for the moment - and might just be able to pull something off. I am, however, rather busy these days. Anyway, I'm still undefeated in CICL play.
I also won that correspondence game against the rather strong player, which was rather surprising. To be fair, I put quite a bit more effort into the game than my opponent, so it's somewhat like winning during a simul (not to say anything about the amount of effort he put in, but I spent pretty much an entire weekend on it at one point - a very good learning experience). This means I'm still undefeated at chess.com. I'll be interested to see what Houdini has to say about some of the moves and variations I had thought up, as the game was rather tactical in nature.
Anyway, I now have plenty of material to look at critically.
EDIT: PS I discovered the true cause of scid's borking up the annotations. It was the "mark tactical exercises" feature. So I can go back to labeling things with a "??". Also, one feature I don't like about annotation algorithms is that I don't care about the difference between +7 and +9, and maybe not between +3 and +5 unless it really is a minor piece vs a rook or keeping a couple pawns, but it makes a bigger deal out of those than the difference between 0.00 and +1. I remember once when I was playing against Chessmaster(TM) and had it annotate the game that it marked as the "worst move of the game" a point in the ending where my theoretical advantage went from "+86.5" to "+44.2" or something like that. And making derisive comments when I took 15 moves to mate with king and rook instead of 8.
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