I played in a tournament yesterday afternoon and had a pretty good day. I went 3/4 with a performance rating around 1700. I lost my first game against a 1700, but later analysis showed that I could have won a piece at a certain point. Houdini confirms. I thought I had something there, but couldn't find it. Later, I dropped a pawn in a miscalculated exchange in the endgame and lost. I faced an unrated player in the second game and won a piece early and the game much later. I played a 1500 in the third game and crushed him slowly after tricking him into giving me a pawn, a space advantage, and a lead in development. The last game was against a 1660. I won a pawn early, but at the expense of very awkward development and a cramped position. She attacked me and I pretty much held her off, then, in time trouble, I made a slight misstep. However, she missed a zwischenzug and lost a piece. Unfortunately, I don't have the details of the position as I was in time trouble. After that, I simplified to a trivial ending which she played out pretty far. It looks like I'll gain 130 rating points. I might have won the "biggest upset" prize, I'll let you know later. I might post some positions later, too...
EDIT: I didn't get biggest upset, a 1350 beat a 1900.
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