Monday, June 6, 2011

So I won my game today.

But it's like that anecdote about the two hikers who see a bear and one of them starts running - he doesn't have to outrun the bear, he just has to outrun the other guy. It was somewhat of a struggle. My opponent played the Schliemann and I didn't play it right (I took on f5). Anyway, I have a couple endgame positions, I'll show them to you later once I analyze them myself and remember them.

My correspondence game with the strong player is nerve-racking. I'm probably going to get blown off the board rather soon. That's what I get for getting in over my head in a sharp variation of the Sicilian. I spent much of the weekend analyzing the position because I spent a lot of time waiting in the airport and sitting on a plane. What else can you do when you've finished your novel and don't feel like playing over yet another Alekhine game? I'm finding it very educational.

1 comment:

  1. Not to worry you have the better position, I am just looking to get into an endgame to have survival chances :)
